Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tips for growing extra long hair?

There are many things you can do for hair growth :

- Flip you hair up side once a day and shake it out to send blood to your scalp.

-Take Vitamins for hair growth and eat stuff with lots of Folic Acid,Amino acids and B-6 Biotin and Beta-Carotene.Protiens are important

-Message the scalp to stimulate your scalp

-Get your hair trimed every 4-6 weeks

Hope I helped.

Tips for growing extra long hair?

stimulate your scalp and take vitamins called hair skin and nails. It will grow........Rapunzel.......

Tips for growing extra long hair?

take BIOTIN tablets once a day...

use hot oil on your hair an hour before u wash it...

Tips for growing extra long hair?

Wash your hair with Mane And Tail it really makes your hair grow, bare in mind though that your hair will stop growing when it reaches it's genetic length, hope this helps, cause it's what I use and I can sit on my hair!!!

Tips for growing extra long hair?

~Eating healthy helps, take vitamins.

~Use a good shampoo and a deep conditioner.

~Be gentle when combing; try to use a detangler or leave in conditioner to work out knots.

~Get regular trims. The hair grows faster after a trim, and you cut off any split ends before they progress.

~I avoid coloring and perming my hair. I also go easy on the styling.

Good luck!

Tips for growing extra long hair?

first of all their are certain vitamins you can get to keep your hair healthy which will make it grow longer. Second of all you should get certain shampoos for growing long hair such as garnier frutice hard to grow long hair. Third of all make sure your hair is brushed twice a day and is washed at least every other day. And last but not least growing long hair isnt a short process so make sure you get your hair barely trimmed only like half an inch off every month or 2. Oh ya and when your their ask your barbor what they recomend to use or do with your hhair to grow it longer.

Tips for growing extra long hair?

Eat a lot of green and yellow vegetables!

They contain beta-carotene which is essential to hair growth. :)

Once in your body, it is converted to Vitamin A which helps promote hair growth among other things.

Hair is basically protein, so make sure you get enough protein in your diet to prevent your hair from thinning.

Also, make sure you are getting enough sleep (7-9 hours), it is discovered that it grows faster while under rest/sleep.

Tips for growing extra long hair?

First of all, change your haircare routine. That will make sure your hair is in good condition. Also, minimize the use of heated appliances like blow driers, straightners etc as they damage your hair. Coloring should also be done minimally as they may slow down the growth of hair if done too many times.


Its important to brush hair everyday, to distribute the natural

oils in our head. No matter what happens, you have to brush hair. DO NOT BRUSH HAIR WHEN ITS WET. Thats not good for hair.


Choose a shampoo designed for your hair type, and better shampoo hair twice a week. Don't shampoo in a hurry, as there might be chance of shampoo being left on your hair, and you don't want that to happen. Always oil your hair before shampooing. This prevents hair loss %26amp; provides good

conditioning to your hair. Brush your hair before shampooing to make sure your hair is tangle-free.


Rinsing neatly after shampooing is very needful. Do it 3 to 4 times. The last rinse better with cold water. Adding a little vinegar also make everything better.


Regular conditioning is good and essential and it gives extra care for your hair a long extend. The purpose of conditioning is to restore the natural condition of hair. It helps hair to manage breakage and to reduce split ends.


A powerful way to encourage hair growth is by massaging your head gently with your fingers. It will increase blood circulation in the scalp. Massaging hair before going to bed

is good.Don't sleep with your hair loose, braiding it is better.

Doing excercises are also needful. Bend at the waist, it will increase blood circulation to the scalp. Do yogasanas also.

If you have hairfall/splitends/dandruff/lice etc, get rid of it as it may slow down the growth of hair.

Control Hairfall

Massage into the scalp and hair with honey and egg yolk. Leave for a 1/2 hour, then rinse.

Massage almond oil on scalp 2-3 times a day, daily. This will stop further hair loss.

Make a paste by mixing olive oil, honey and cinnamon powder. Massage on the scalp and leave it for 15 minutes.

Wash with a mild shampoo. Repeat it for 3-4 times a week.

Boil a few hibiscus flowers in coconut oil. Filter and use it.

Combine coconut milk with lemon juice proportionately and apply to your hair. Leave it for half an hour and wash it.

Control Dandruff

Crush a tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in about 5 tablespoons of warm coconut or olive oil.

It would be better to boil them in the oil. Cool the mixture and apply generously all over the scalp.Leave it on for two hours. Rinse and wash off.

Take 2 tblspns of Beetroot juice and add 1 egg and 1 tspn limejuice to this. Apply and leave for 陆 an hour before washing.Oil hair well before going to bed. Next morning mix 1 tspn limejuice with 陆 tspn salt. Rub this on the scalp with the peel of a lime turned inside out. Leave for 1 hour before shampooing.

Boil a handful of neem leaves in 4 teacups of water. After cooling and filtering, use for rinsing hair.

Mix 1 cup fuller鈥檚 earth and 3 tbsp. apple cider vinegar very carefully until you get the right texture.First shampoo your hair and then apply generously. Leave it on for 10/ 15 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water, finishing with cool water.

For shiny lustrous hair,

Boil 1 cup of celery leaves with stems, strain and add juice of 1 lemon. You can rinse your hair with this after washing your hair. It makes your hair look healthy and lustrous.

Another important thing for hair,Eat healthy food.

Avoid foods that are greasy and fatty. They will disrupt your digestive system and potentially make your scalp and hair more oily. Minimize your intake of salt as it will raise your blood pressure and affect blood circulation in your scalp.

(Male pattern baldness has been linked to high blood pressure.) Avoid pre-processed foods that are full of chemical additives and fast foods. A well-balanced diet with

plenty of fruits and vegetables that is also high in protein is your best ally in your quest to grow long, beautiful hair.


Hair Growth Mixture

-1/4 c pure Vitamin E oil

-1/4 c castor or jojoba oil

-15 drops of rosemary oil

-15 drops of peppermint oil

Place ingredients in a container %26amp; mix well. Use one fingertip to dip into the mixture %26amp; gently massage.

The ingredients are known to aid in hair growth, which is perfect for helping regrow the hairline.

It is fine to use little every night, only if you clean your hair often (at least a few times per week).

Its important to rinse off heavy oils so they won't clog your hair follicles - which can cause itches and slow down hair growth.

Tips for growing extra long hair?

Everyone's hair grows an average of an half an inch a month. If you wait more than 4-5 weeks to trim the split ends off....eventually they break off. When that happens you break off more than the half inch you grew.

However, if you trim the very ends every 4 weeks to prevent the breakage from occuring in the first will keep most of that half inch you grow every month. Combine that with a salon shampoo and conditioner....and you can get 6 or more inches of healthy hair every year.

The biggest trick is finding that special hairdresser than will only trim the very tips. If you explain what you're doing...they should work with you of getting the length to where you want it. The other thing in growing your hair out is to always grow from style to style....not length to length. That way you're never going to be bored with your hair and be tempted to cut it off...;)

Always use professional products, they are formulated to not buildup on the hair as fast and to actually strengthen the hairshaft. There is no magic to getting long hair. You can try all the little concoctions people suggest....but the bottom line is you hair will grow from the root no matter what you do to the already grown hair. Once the hair has left the's consider dead keratin protien. You just need to treat it right so it stays looking nice.

Tips for growing extra long hair?

Good healthy hair starts with good internal health. Have you ever noticed people that look really healthy have nice shiny full heads of hair? If I were you I would go into your local guru in wholistic medicine and see what natural supplement the can offer for robust hair growth. I鈥檝e had success with a product called Provillus also.

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