Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tips to look amazing when I go to school It's not my first day just tomorrow?

IWe aren't allowed to wear makeup and have to wear a uniform, how can I look hot when I go to school

Please give hair tips

unnoticable makeup tips (e.g. clear mascara, powder etc.)

anything else

I want to look to hot for words


Tips to look amazing when I go to school It's not my first day just tomorrow?

my gosh. im starting highschool, and i have to wear a uniform too, but i can wear make-up. so anywho, try wearing chunky mascara, i know that doesnt sound nice, but it brings out your eyes sooo much, and it looks messy buy cute. use a light bronzer so your skin glows , or get that 'summer glow moisturize stuff' that stuff works, especially the dove kind. find an eyeshadow color that works well with your eyes, so it doesnt pop out, but other people can still tell your wearing some and it looks awesome. for pink lips, take your toothbrush and brush your lips , it makes then super soft and make them red a little bit, then put some chapstick on them. =]

as for hair, if you have straight hair, curl it, curly hair, straighten it, scrunch, messy bun with a cute head band, sometimes put your bangs back,and sometimes leave em down, change it up as much as possible, since you have to wear the same thing everyday, doesnt mean you have to wear your hair the same way.

Tips to look amazing when I go to school It's not my first day just tomorrow?

hey dont worry too much for the first day its going to be cahos and everybody is going to be trying to find their classes so nobody will be paying much attention on looks. Now on the second or third day thats when u should look hot for everyone

Tips to look amazing when I go to school It's not my first day just tomorrow?

if u cud wear jewelry get sum that stands out then hair wise u cud put ur hair into a hump into a ponytail or u cud curl ur hair but if u have real real short hair u could spike it curl it idk jus do sumthin to urself that no one has seen before

Tips to look amazing when I go to school It's not my first day just tomorrow?

Well u could wear some sparkley tan mascara...some lip gloss and some brown mascara

You could wear your hair either straightened, curled, or in a messy bun. Then also wear earings and a bracelet...then some sparkles around your neck

Tips to look amazing when I go to school It's not my first day just tomorrow?

I second the hair ideas: "hump" or "curled"

Tips to look amazing when I go to school It's not my first day just tomorrow?

clear mascara or brown is less noticable some pink ish lip gloss would be good and some bronzer but not too much

Tips to look amazing when I go to school It's not my first day just tomorrow?

curl your lashes and set with a small layer of brown mascara (won't look as fake as black) or clear mascara...

Straighten your hair, or if you can go to a hairdresser and get a blow-dry. They look amazing.

Wear some nice perfume too!

Make sure your nails are cut %26amp; clean and wear clear polish on them

You could also wear tinted moisturiser/sunscreen... just a little dab and a small amount of blush - just dont go over board!

And of course, some nice lipgloss!

You're probably gorgeous anyway and don't need to try ;)

Tips to look amazing when I go to school It's not my first day just tomorrow?

dont know wether you are aloud to wear your hair down at your school, but if so, have you hair down either straight or curly either way looks best,, n wear blush, powder, brown eyeliner, its not as noticeable as black, n clear mascara, it all works :))

hope i helped!


Tips to look amazing when I go to school It's not my first day just tomorrow?

Maybe throw on a cute necklace and a pretty bracelet. Slick your hair into a ponytail and make a little pompadour pouf in front and secure it with a little hairspray. Finish off with a glossing spray and a cute headband. For makeup, keep it simple with either a clear mascara or a light layer that matches the color of your lashes. Sweep on a light layer of pressed powder and brush your cheeks with some bronzer to give a sunkissed look. Top off with a little clear or pale lip gloss.

Tips to look amazing when I go to school It's not my first day just tomorrow?

dude. we started the 13. yall r lucky

Tips to look amazing when I go to school It's not my first day just tomorrow?

I feel really, really sorry for you, because all you think of school is it being a place where you go to "look hot". I don't need a crystal ball to tell you your future. You won't learn as much as you could. You'll be too busy worrying about how to look much better than the other girls, and how you can possibly attract the most envy from them and the most attention from the boys.

You will go up through the grades, making very mediocre standards, and eventually scratch through to what is laughingly called "graduation". You will get some average kind of job somewhere at minimum wage, and somewhere along the road, you'll find a boyfriend, have sex, and may or may not get pregnant right away. But you will sooner or later. One way or another you'll end up with average, or below average level of education, and be a mother, with or without a husband. It won't matter at this time what you think "hot" is because you wont have the money for it. Your life will be now filled with screaming infants, dirty diapers, you'll be constantly broke, and your husband or boyfriend will be out there panting after the "hot chicks" who were like you used to be, but aren't any more. It never gets any better because YOU never did what you should have done years before. You were too busy worrying about what clothes to wear, and what hair-do to have, so you could look sooooo"hot".

The kids will grow older to where they are now teenagers or pre-teens, and you'll have to watch them going to s chool and making the same mistakes you did. You'll try to tell them, but they wont listen, and the whole story will start over again . You'll keep growing older, till your children have children and you'll be a grandmother, and you will be sitting alone a lot of times, thinking back over the years, and wishing you could turn back the hands of the clock so you could do it over again, differently. Print this out, and keep it, so you can read it as time passes and realise how good my crystal ball was.

Tips to look amazing when I go to school It's not my first day just tomorrow?

School Uniforms - Skirting the Issue

Uniform skirts tend to be knee-length or longer, but if your school is a little relaxed about skirt lengths, then try folding down the waistband a couple of times. Just don't go overboard and roll up your skirt into an itsy-bitsy mini!

School Uniforms - Bling It On!

Bling-ify your uniform with jewelry! Pile on wooden bracelets, gold bangles, silver cuffs or jelly bracelets - but don't stop there. Necklaces, earrings, rings, watches and hair accessories are an awesome way to stand out in a sea of uniforms. Backpacks are another great way to express your personal style. Stick on funny bumper stickers or iron-on patches, attach funky pins and clips, or simply write on them!

School Uniforms - It's a Cinch

Cinch a belt over your blouse or sweater. Leave the studded, oversized belts for the weekends and opt for a simpler one. If a necktie is part of your school uniform, then whip it off as soon as the bell rings and tie it around your waist for a snazzy alternative to the classic belt.

School Uniforms - Knock Your Socks Off

Ditch those boring white socks! Instead, glam up your legs with socks in bright, eye-catching colors and pretty, patterned tights. Try plaid tights or leggings for a funky, punky look.

School Uniforms - Bottom Line

When it comes to school uniform policies, every school is different. Some are relaxed about stuff like untucked shirts, while others have rules set in stone and won't let you get away with anything. So before you brighten up a blah uniform, make sure your school allows it first. And if they have strict rules about the dress code, just wait until you're outta class to jazz it up.

Tips to look amazing when I go to school It's not my first day just tomorrow?

we have a uniform too

K-6 no make up

gr 7-12- modest makeup

for hair u should straighten it and have it half up and half down or just simply put a cute headband on

are u guys allowed earring that arre dangly if so wear some classic hoops

the first day is gonna be chaotic so dont worry

how about some clear lip gloss?

skin coloured eye shaddow? its not to noticable but it enhances ur eyes

and maybe if ur allowed do ur eyebrows.

wear a cute choker if ur allowed accessories and jewellry like that

hope this helped 閳?br>

pc3 owt

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