Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I'm kind of a tomboy- got any tips for looking more girl-ish?

Lol, I know this sounds like a weird question, but I'm tired of not getting noticed because I don't wear the slutty/preppy/girly clothes the other girls my age do- don't get me wrong, though, I'm not trying to become one of them.

So, got any tips for clothes, hair, etc..? I'm allergic to some makeup, and I don't really have enough time in the morning, so I don't wanna wear makeup. And, I'm on a limited budget for clothes. By the way, my hair's about an inch or so past my shoulders, pretty thick, and straight if you have any hair tips for it. Can anyone help? Thanks ahead. :)

I'm kind of a tomboy- got any tips for looking more girl-ish?

sure looking good is a plus to get noticed.. but the best thing that comes out, is that you feel confident about yourself =)

i would recommend.. get a few of your friends together and have them accessorize you , they know you well so i'm sure your will know what style suits you. =)

I'm kind of a tomboy- got any tips for looking more girl-ish?

1) Before buying make-up check out some of the ingrediants

2) Try to add some accessories to your outfit

3) match your clothing

Good Luck!

I'm kind of a tomboy- got any tips for looking more girl-ish?

should wear hot girly sunglaases

I'm kind of a tomboy- got any tips for looking more girl-ish?

If you wanna get noticed you should show some skin

Great tan healthy legs are a double plus!

I'm kind of a tomboy- got any tips for looking more girl-ish?

Maybe an up-do with some earrings or any kind of feminine jewelry with a pretty dress complete with some heels.

I'm kind of a tomboy- got any tips for looking more girl-ish?

curl your hair, give it a girly look. you dont have to wear makeup to be girly, just wear cute dangling earings or mabye a long bead pink necklace. maybe try some cheap skirts and maybe top that all off with some heels for a femine look!! good luck!

I'm kind of a tomboy- got any tips for looking more girl-ish?

Pony tail?

I'm kind of a tomboy- got any tips for looking more girl-ish?

i too used to be a tom-boy :]

i start out as wearing skorts

u know the one with shorts inside ur skirt :]

and lip balm or lip gloss to add color and glossy

u can always do ur hair on the bus

like a side ponytail

if pacsun is great! wear bermuda pants with a collar shirt or just a tank top simple simple

clothes u know u can also wear some jeweries

from claires ( they have sensitive ones for people like me) accessorize urself a lil bit and u'll look girly :] and

wear body spray or perfumeS!

I'm kind of a tomboy- got any tips for looking more girl-ish?

here what i would say

1. wear head bands- they are easy, keep hair out of face and look cute and are cheep

2. curls and wear mascara- i doesn't take long at all and it will give you and extra oopf

3. i would find i cute sneaker- i like vans but if not just some fashionable sneak cause they say with the more tomboy look

4. wear tight jeans- they dont have to b skin tight but they should show off ur good figure!

5. tees tees and more tees! i mean the cute kind that are shirts and not the dumb ones with lil sayings on them.

6. haf up and haf down with the haf up in a messy bun always looks cute, pulling just the front hair in a boby pin looks cute, and wear it down is always cute

no matter what you shouldnt change who u r! and add a lil lip gloss too!

I'm kind of a tomboy- got any tips for looking more girl-ish?

Just add a few accesories to your normal outfits...maybe earrings or necklaces. Layer tops(tank tops, spaghetti straps, t-shirts). Layering is very girly. I don't know what you usually wear but just try to throw something a little girly into it....Like if you wear big shirts and jeans trade the big shirt for a tank top or cute t-shirt. I hope that helps....Good luck! And don't change who you are....

I'm kind of a tomboy- got any tips for looking more girl-ish?

keep it simple but make them wonder at the same time throw your hair up in a loose ponytail with a couple of strands hanging down in the front kinda like bangs wear a clear lip gloss and maybe a little mascara a little goes a long way wear a pair of nice fitting jeans that sit on your hips and a shirt that comes down in the front in a v shape and it at the top of th e jeans so you don't show your stomach off but still show your figure wear a pair of heels to lift your butt and make your legs look long and slender you can look so called girly and still keep your boyish way and get noticed by keeping it simple, natural, and keeping them wondering.

I'm kind of a tomboy- got any tips for looking more girl-ish?

I have the same problem I am very much of a tomboy and for my job I have to look girly I personally dont wear make up I think it rediculous but if you just buy funky belts and shoes hairbands etc. you can look a little girly without going over the top, and not looking slutty/preppy etc.

If anymore ?'s just contact me at blackmanobrien@yahoo.com

I know how you feel!

your friend,

Alix T.

I'm kind of a tomboy- got any tips for looking more girl-ish?

Okay hun, I'm sorry but you gotta wear a little makeup...it only takes 5 minutes to put on so base and mascara...DO IT! Almay brand is hypoallergenic so you wont be allergic to it. Wear some jewelry and tight jeans. You can be tomboyish and still look like a girl.

I'm kind of a tomboy- got any tips for looking more girl-ish?

girl when it comes to looking "girly" you are basically already half way there.To be totally honest with you I also am a self-proclaimed "tom boy" who just turned in the b-ball shorts for knee long skirts (if you like that sort of thing). But honestly alls it really takes to look like the rest is some good pair of jeans and a fitted shirt,that's the way I go.It is girlie,stylish,and comfortable because you're not trying to push it with the "girl" thing. As for make-up, not a fan either,truthfully you don't need it most females when they reach a certain age go with out or just a little eye make-up and chap stick.

I'm kind of a tomboy- got any tips for looking more girl-ish?

i have the same problem but i have fixed it

your hair is like mine so what you should do is maybe get some lyers or highlights(temp. if first just to try it out)

For clothes i would go to maybe hollister or abercrombie clerence racks and just pick out what you like

and makeup well i dont really wear make up i just wear eyeliner but some girls dont need make up to make them pretty so if you are under the age of 12 i wouldnt wear n e because if you start wearing make up too early than when you get older your face starts to look older than you really are!!

brever creeks go with anything weather your a tom boy or prep

just dont wear tennis shoes i would wear like skate shoes or flip flops or maybe even flats

just wear what you want and dont worry bout what other people think!!!

Good luck with your new style(lol)

I'm kind of a tomboy- got any tips for looking more girl-ish?

hair-curl it twisties midway braids scrunch it with hair gel and mousse first your hair must be wet and then take some hair gel and mousse and put it in ur hair and scrunch it and then then add some hairspray and then blowdry and scrunch it that'll look really nice! Or get ur hair layered with side bangs that'll look nice too

clothes-skirts tight jeans halter tops tee's with cute slogans for ex:brown eyes hypontize (i have that shirt),tank tops,anyways try going shopping at some of these stores like hollister, aeropostale, American eagle, abercrombie and fitch,

make-up- look at some of the ingredents and get the ones ur not allergic to,wear mascara eyeshadow blush lipgloss

thats about it and get ur nails done or sumthing u knoe some ppl take me as a girl girl not really but i am girlish lol

I'm kind of a tomboy- got any tips for looking more girl-ish?

Hrm...well, you could go with the minimum make up of using:

eyeliner and foundation w/powder. Try looking into different make up (neutrogena is a pretty decent company).

Hairwise - maybe get it layered? Try to wear it down instead of a pony tail all the time. Go for volume instead of flat.

Clotheswise - try more clothes that are fitted to your body.

I'm kind of a tomboy- got any tips for looking more girl-ish?

Skorts rock you can look "girly" yet slide into second base or rule the b ball court without "shoeing off" more than your skills. aslo what's wrong with pony tails? high up. or part in ponytail the rest down

I'm kind of a tomboy- got any tips for looking more girl-ish?

Look around you at the boys - if they wear it, you shouldn't - if you want to be more girlish. Avoid jeans and other unisex clothing when you want to feel more feminine.

Wear jewelry - earrings, and a necklace or pretty ring [ not one that looks like Tony Soprano ].

Long hair is a definite plus - most guys prefer it. Learn to braid, ponytail, pullback; anything that requres a hair accessory.

Makeup would be a plus; there are a lot of hypoallergenic products out there [ read the labels ] Definitely practice mascara, blush, lipstick for special occasions.

Buy ' girl' shoes - not flip-flops or sneakers.

They don't have to have heels or pointy toes, just buy cute, comfy ones.

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