Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Any solution to male hair fall?

I m suffering from male baldness pattern problem for last 5-6 years. I am loosing hairs from front head and from top of head. and now a days i have very thin hairs. One doctor advise me to test testtosterone harmone. the report says its within normal range. doctor told me that it may be due to that harmone is within range but it may be working more at hair tips then as expected. so due to that reason my hairs are falling. And one thing it is not hereditery.So what u people suggest to me. Is there any treatement???? can i stop atleast my hair fall??? how much is microfolecular or other hair transplantaion effective??? pls help i m 26 year old

Any solution to male hair fall?

One of the most effective conventional approaches to male pattern hair loss is the drug minoxidil. Interest in minoxidil began with the observation that the oral form of this drug, which dilates blood vessels and is taken for high blood pressure, caused hair regrowth and partially reversed baldness in some men. For baldness, a topical form of minoxidil (Regaine or Rogaine) is applied to areas of hair loss. But less than 10% of men taking it achieve satisfactory results.

Another conventional drug for baldness is the anti-androgenic drug finasteride. It inhibits the enzyme 5-alpha reductase that transforms testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. This seems to stimulate the growth of thicker, stronger, and darker hair. Both minoxidil and finasteride have side effects.


A diet that contains whole foods, particularly the outer skin of plants such as potatoes, cucumbers, green and red peppers, and sprouts can give strength to hair because they are rich in the mineral silica. Foods that are high in iron, such as lean meats, are important for people with a known iron deficiency.

Nutritional Supplements, Vitamins %26amp; Herbs

Saw palmetto - Saw palmetto oil is an accepted treatment for benign prostate hyperplasia in men. It appears to interact with various sex hormones, including dihydrotestoseteron (DHT). DHT is produced from testosterone by enzyme 5-alpha-reductase. Like most enzymes, it can be inhibited. There has been great medical interest in subtances that have the potential for inhibiting 5-alpha-reductase, and thereby preventing or treating benign prostate hyperplasia. Theoretically, saw palmetto could have also be used to block DHT and prevent hair loss. Saw palmetto is believed to have a similar mechanism of action to the anti-androgenic drug finasteride (Propecia), which has been used in low doses for hair loss.

Folic acid, biotin, vitamin B5, para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), and silica are supplements that may help maintain the color and thickness of hair.

Be sure to check your daily intake of zinc through supplements. Intake of 30 mg or higher for more than three months can induce a deficiency of copper, and low copper levels can result in hair loss. Speak to a health practitioner before supplementing copper to avoid copper overdose.


The results of one research study suggest that the essential oils of thyme, rosemary, lavender, and cedarwood mixed with an oil and applied on the areas of hair loss may stimulate hair growth. This double blind, placebo-controlled study enrolled 84 people who who massaged either these essential oils or a non-treatment oil into their scalps each night for seven months. Results showed that 44% of people in the treatment group had new hair growth compared to only 15% in the control group.

Hair Oil Recipe

3 drops of essential oil of thyme

3 drops of essential oil of lavender

3 drops of essential oil of rosemary

3 drops of essential oil of cedarwood

1/8 cup of grapeseed oil

1/8 cup of jojoba oil

Mix the ingredients together. Cover your pillow with an old towel. Apply several drops of the mixture to areas of hair loss each night, massaging gently into scalp for 3-5 minutes. Store the oil tightly covered. Do not take internally or near the eye area.


Bhringaraj oil or brahmi oil are applied to the scalp regularly to stimulate hair growth. The Ayurvedic herbs ashwagandha and amla are also reported to stimulate hair growth.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

In traditional Chinese medicine, hair loss is linked to kidney deficiency syndrome. Other symptoms of kidney deficiency are weakness and fatigue and low back weakness. Kidney energy is believed to naturally decline with age, but people with early or accelerated hair loss may have particularly weak kidney energy. Kidney tonics are usually recommended.


losing hair


-Getting too much Vitamin A can lead to hair loss. Learn about Hypervitaminosis A and how to prevent it.


-Get a thorough overview of hair loss plus home care tips for dealing with baldness.


-Aging can take a toll on your hair, causing it to thin and even stop growing.


-Stress is a major factor in causing diffuse hair loss.



Prevent hair loss


Ways to Cope

Choose a wig or toupee before treatment begins, so that hair color and texture can be matched

Be creative! Experiment with wearing colorful turbans or scarves 閳?or try going bald

Get a prescription for a wig from your doctor because the cost is often covered by insurance

Try on different wigs, hats and turbans until you find one you really like

Wear a hat or scarf outdoors in cold weather to prevent loss of body heat

If you choose to go bald, use a sunscreen, sunblock or a hat to protect your scalp from the sun

You may want to avoid brushing your hair too much, or heating it with a hair dryer, electric rollers or curling iron to help reduce hair loss and damage


Hairloss Treatment Information


Any solution to male hair fall?

Buy a wig.

Any solution to male hair fall?

talk it over with a doctor

Any solution to male hair fall?

surgery. that's it. i hear those creams and stuff don't work.

Any solution to male hair fall?

embrace the inevitable

Any solution to male hair fall?

It could also be hereditary... do you have bald family members?

Don't worry --- walk with pride... it's distinguishing on a man!

However, a Doctor should know... and you can always go for a second opinion.

Any solution to male hair fall?

I can't really help you with a solution to stop the hair loss, but I thought I'd let you know that contrary to popular belief, most women honestly don't care whether a man is bald or balding. In fact many women find it sexy. Just DON'T get a hairpiece or do the comb-over thing!!!

Any solution to male hair fall?

There is a medicine available in the market. Its called "MinTop". It has previously worked for my brother. He used to have hair fall previously. It costs arround 150 bucks. Check it out...

Any solution to male hair fall?

use sunsilk or any other shampoo even my friend uses it

Any solution to male hair fall?

Shave it, mate. At least no more hair will fall.

Seriously, it's the trend. Even lots of guys with no hair problems are shaving it down to zero, just because it's cool. Girls have that something for bald men, and it's smarter than sporting a balding hairdo.

So, just go for it. You may find yourself a bit strange at first. But after a while, you'll look at old photos and say: "What bad hairdos...I look much better now."

Any solution to male hair fall?

Shave it off.

My fella went bald at 25, he just shaves it all off and he looks very sexy for it.

There's not really much you can do about it!

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