Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Any tips on how to make your hair grow fast? i get it trimmed about once every 2 months, but it does

i get it trimmed, i wash it daily, any other ideas to make it grow faster ?

Any tips on how to make your hair grow fast? i get it trimmed about once every 2 months, but it doesnt help.?

Olive Oil Hair Mask

Mix 5 tablespoon of olive oil with 2 eggs. Apply throughly to hair. Wrap head with plastic wrap or a shower cap. After 15 minutes rinse well.

Honey %26amp; Olive Oil Hair Mask -1

Mix 2 tablespoon honey with 3 tablespoon olive oil. Apply throughly to hair. Cover hair with plastic wrap or a shower cap. After 15 minutes shampoo and rinse well.

Beautiful Gorgeous Hair Mask -2

After you shampoo your hair, pour 1 cup fresh lemon juice or vinegar through hair and massage and rinse with water. Apply your usual conditioner and wash with water. It will remove all the dirt and your hair will be shine sparkling. Do not repeat this method before 2 weeks.

Beautiful Gorgeous Hair Mask

Grind fenugreek (methi) seeds soaked in water overnight. Massage this paste on scalp and hair and leave it for15-20 minutes. Wash it off with a mild shampoo. This paste is good for all types of hair problems, viz. dandruffs, falling hair, thinning of hair, baldness, split hair, etc.

Any tips on how to make your hair grow fast? i get it trimmed about once every 2 months, but it doesnt help.?

Trimming to make grow fast is an old wives tale. They say smoking weed makes your hair and fingernails grow faster, no joke. Happy puffing!!!

Any tips on how to make your hair grow fast? i get it trimmed about once every 2 months, but it doesnt help.?

i have read that in the shower

if you take an extra minute to message

your scalp it stimulates the blood flow

and it helps increase hair growth.

good luck!

Any tips on how to make your hair grow fast? i get it trimmed about once every 2 months, but it doesnt help.?

Getting your hair trimmed makes your hair grow faster.....that is a total myth. There are a couple of ways to enhance hair growth:

1. Try to get a head massage every once in a while, maybe by a bf or good friend. Or if not, do it in the shower while washing your hair.

2. Take vitamins that promote healthy hair, usually found at GNC stores.

Any tips on how to make your hair grow fast? i get it trimmed about once every 2 months, but it doesnt help.?

after taking a shower..let ur hair dry naturally then put baby oil!!

it has vitamin c whichs helps hair grow and be stronger

ohh and if u braid ur hair alot..it grows...!!

Any tips on how to make your hair grow fast? i get it trimmed about once every 2 months, but it doesnt help.?

have a good balanced diet, take your vitamins, do a weekly deep conditioner and hot wax treatment. Some people do things like washing with eggs or mayo for the health of the hair but thats all dependent on what type of hair you have. but if you start with a good diet you cant go wrong. what goes in must come out.

Any tips on how to make your hair grow fast? i get it trimmed about once every 2 months, but it doesnt help.?

every person has a hair cycle beyond which his hair dont grow that if u dont have any problems such as hair splits .and u can use castor oil its really good even for the eyebrows and theeye lashes

Any tips on how to make your hair grow fast? i get it trimmed about once every 2 months, but it doesnt help.?

first of all, is your hair thinning? If so, then the solution is within you. It might be a hormonal response to aging, or loss of estrogen. Too much testorerone.

I also heard an old wives tale about having your hair cut based on the lunar cycle. Cut while the moon is rising, hair grows faster, Hair cut when the moon is waning grows slower.

Try it

Any tips on how to make your hair grow fast? i get it trimmed about once every 2 months, but it doesnt help.?

Just because you get your hair trimmed does not mean it will gro. Your hair has a growing period, Anagen, Catagen, Telogen and back to Anagen. If you feel your hair is not growingas it should it may be because of your diet, medication you may be taking, hereditary factors, ethnic origin or even stress. If you want you hair to grow fast when shampooing wash with luke warm water or even cold if you can stand it-this gets your blood circulating, helping the hair growth cycle. You could also get scalp massages-once again this gets your blood circulation, helping the hair growth.

Any tips on how to make your hair grow fast? i get it trimmed about once every 2 months, but it doesnt help.?

Making your hair grow faster or slower comes from the inside, hon. Take a good multivitamin daily, drink plenty of water, and take gelatin capsules daily. Helps stregthen hair and nails and makes them grow healthier and longer quicker. Scalp massages also help some with getting more blood flow to the scalp and the hair follicles.

Any tips on how to make your hair grow fast? i get it trimmed about once every 2 months, but it doesnt help.?

Vitamins for hair growth

Hair loss or baldness is caused mainly due to the lack of Vitamin B supplements. Vitamin B5 contains pantothenic acid and B3 (niacin that is vital for hair growth). B6 is equally important to the body, as it contains the nutrients of zinc, sulfur, magnesium and biotin.

An interesting fact about Vitamin B: Certain experiments were conducted with rats and they were fed with food that lacked magnesium supplements. It was found that they lost their hair in bunches and when they were provided with a low biotin diet they turned hairless. But to the surprise of all, their hair returned when they were fed with food rich in Vitamin B.

Any tips on how to make your hair grow fast? i get it trimmed about once every 2 months, but it doesnt help.?

yes stop washing it daily ,every second day is enough stress for your hair ,blow dry if you must with a cool setting ,eat loads of protein,good diet remember you are what you eat,also Argentine,pro-line,lysine and methionine are great for stimulating hair growth ,you can buy hair stimulator vitamins on e-bay with all of the above in it .I have been taken them for a month and i fell my hair has been growing that little bit faster ,remember you hair only grows around a half inch per month,also massage your scalp for ten mi nets 2 times a week that stimulates hair growth to ,in fact don't get you hair cut so often .A lot of people get split ends mixed up with dry end ,look at you own end and see how many you can find i bet there is not many .

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