Friday, November 13, 2009

Is Auburn good color for hair if you are Gothic? Need tips on mild Gothic style other than hair also

if you're Gothic you can have any hair color and get away with it, because if you are Gothic you don't care what others think.

For a mild style, try just wearing darker colors. Not everything has to be all black. Gothic is more a state of mind than an actual stereotypical style. It's about being against the status quo of the "preps".

Is Auburn good color for hair if you are Gothic? Need tips on mild Gothic style other than hair also.?

The gothics died hundreds of years ago.

Being "gothic" is a stupid trend.

Dye your hair whatever you want, be yourself, always.

Is Auburn good color for hair if you are Gothic? Need tips on mild Gothic style other than hair also.?

Watch NCIS tuesday night and watch Abby, that is a good look

Is Auburn good color for hair if you are Gothic? Need tips on mild Gothic style other than hair also.?

there is this blackish blue color its fabulous

Is Auburn good color for hair if you are Gothic? Need tips on mild Gothic style other than hair also.?

pretty much any colour is fine if you like it

well I wouldn't pick green if you wear pink but auburn should look fine with anything

as for style, again just pick what you like, you don't need to buy your entire wardrobe from hot topic, accesories and how you wear things can change the look of an outfit

Is Auburn good color for hair if you are Gothic? Need tips on mild Gothic style other than hair also.?

yes auburn sounds good but mostly goth people are dark and wear black and black hair would match with their mysterious dark look but auburrn sounds nice to

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