Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Can anybody give me any helpful tips?

Hi, i was wondering if you guys could help me decide what shades of make up i should wear and how i should wear my hair? great! alright, i have really dirty blonde hair (its not quite brown yet) it is wavy and striaght, depending on what part of my hair we are talking about. I have green eyes, and i guess you could say that my eyelashes are medium sized... umm, by the time school starts (end of August), i have a fairly good tan, its not like DARK, but i am not pale either. i need some make up tips that will work on like a $15-$20 budget per month MAX. I have a straightener, it is a Revlon one, so it is pretty good. i also have leave in conditioner, gel, a brush, shampoo, conditioner, simple stuff like that, i am NOT willing to buy anything else unless it is like $5, no more than that!

Can anybody give me make-up tips and hair tips??

BTW: the hair tips can only use the stuff provided above...


Can anybody give me any helpful tips?

Alright girly. Lets start with the hair. If you have wavy hair, it can definetly go curlier, My hair is naturaly curly, but the curls are ugly and frizzy. The night before school, scrunch your hair with the gel, lots of gel. It doesn't matter if you think its too much, because by morning, it won't be bad. Put a light coat of hairspray over it. Now, I know this sounds weird, but, put your hair in 4 sections. part it down the middle. and have two on the top and two on the bottom. Now take your wet, gel-filled hair, and put each section into a ball and tie it up real good. When you wake up in the morning, you will be SHOCKED on how curly it may be, depending on your hair type. When you take it down hairspray the hell outta it! I normally put mine half up half down. I would try this out first and see if it makes your hair curly. Curly hair is beautiful! As is straight hair. If you don't like the curl look, straighten it, and put braids in it the morning before school, and on the day of school, take them out, and you'll have some crimpy parts to your hair. Just scatter them on your part on the top of your head. OK, make up time. You said you're not willing to spend much money, but without knowing what kind of eyeshadow you already have, I'll just tell you these few tips. Almay makes an eyeshadow for every different color eye. You would be surprised on how much it does bring out the color. What I suggest, go to Walmart, and look for the Almay section, and the eyeshadow is called, "PLAY UP THE GREEN" look at the colors they have and they also tell you how to apply it. To work with what you have, match up those colors with the ones you have already. Eyeliner, probably the most important. I find self-sharpening eyeliner works BEST. But if you do use a pencil, get it hot first, use a lighter and melt it. Blow on it a few times, till it won't smear, and apply it. DO NOT put the eyeliner DIRECTLY on lower lid, but under it. It gives a more dramatic look and brings out your eyes much better! Masacara,, I use XXL, but it doesn't matter what kind you use. If you have an eye lash curler, use that sucker! BUT, heat it first. turn on your straightener, and lay the curler between it. It will get it hot! and make sure its not too hot, and curl away! but make sure you have the mascara on first! after curling, apply another coat of mascara. If you don't have a curler, jsut keep reapplying the mascara. I put my foundation on first, then powder, then eyeshadow, then eyeliner then the mascara. but do whatever is easiest for you. Test it out before school and try different ways yourself. Here a few pictures of my hair and makeup.I also have medium length lashes and I do exactly waht I just told you to do...

Can anybody give me any helpful tips?

Well looks like you got everything you need!!!..just use your creativity...some days you can wear your hair straight, others use some gel and scrunch it up make it look a little more don't want to burn your hair out from straightening it out everyday...about the makeup, always try for a natural look, you want to keep your face clean and not feal dirty at the end of the day, a great thing to use instead of foundation are the bronze pearls, you buy them from avon or just look for them in the isle of makeup, they might go over $5 but they last for more than just a couple of months, i have mine and they lasted for quite a few years!! i still use them!!!...try curling you eyelashes with a spoon for a more natural curve and use Maybelline Mascara (illegal lengths) they can really bring out small eyelashes.....if you need any more tips let me know, you can e-mail me at luck!!! and have fun trying different looks till you find the one that you feel comfortable!!!

Can anybody give me any helpful tips?

ya just don't wear it who cares about makeup unless you are trying to get someone to like you if that's just it don't wear it be your self

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